Dental Implants

Here at Modern Dental we specialize in dental implants, we have help thousands of people regain their confidance and smile. 

A dental implant is a small titanium post that is placed in the jawbone where teeth are missing acting like a natura tooth allowing people to use it as normal tooth. This precudure will help you preserve jawbone deteroiration casue by missing teeth. Once the post has been secure on the jawbone we can now place a crown on this post that will act like your natural tooth.

Here is a video that will teach you in more detail about this modern dental precedure, plaese contact us if you have any questions, we can assit you with an exam and find out if you are a good candidate to a dental implant precedure in our office.

Are you a candidate for dental implants?

Now that you know that dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth, here is a quick video that will give you more information and give you a deeper understanding to see if you are a candidate for a dental implant. Give us a call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Houman Baratian for a denatl exam.

Immediate tooth replacement with dental implants

Dental implant FAQs

Consequences of missing teeth

How to choose an implant dentist

Dental implant after previous extraction

Implantes dentales (video en español)

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